Other Research Web-Applications
Java Applet for Downward Flame Spread Over Solid Fuels
Matt King and Subrata (Sooby) Bhattacharjee
This applet calculates the spreadrate for downward flamespread in an opposed flow natural convection environment using the simplified approach developed at San Diego State University as described in the reference below.

This model requires as input: Ambient oxygen concentration, pressure, temperature, gravitational acceleration, and fuel thickness.

The result of calculations found in the blue fields are:
V_eq, the equivalent velocity experienced by the flame
V_f, the flame spread rate
tau_critical, the thickness at which the fuel behaviour transitions from thermally thin to thermally thick
T and eta, and the dimensionless spread rate and thickness.

User Instructions:
The applet will appear below in a few seconds provided you have java installed from www.java.com. Otherwise, you will see a X sign in the space below.

Note the default properties and modify to match the conditions of interest.

Click the "Calculate" button when ready to solve for unknown values.
Click or select a topic.
Downward Spread Rate Calculator
Example #1: How do you find the flame spreadrate for thick PMMA in 50% Oxygen in atmospheric pressure on earth?

Launch the Java Applet by clicking on the link above.
Modify the oxygen concentration to indicate 50%.
Click the "Calculate" button and make sure the critical thickness is less than the specified fuel thickness. The flame spreadrate, V_f, is 1.053 mm/s.

Example #2: How do you find the flame spreadrate for 1 mm thick cellulosein 21% Oxygen in atmospheric pressure in twice the Earths gravity?

Launch the Java Applet by clicking on the link above.
Select Cellulose from the fuel menu.
Change the thickness to 1 mm, and the gravitational field to (2*9.8).
Click the "Calculate" button. The flame spreadrate, V_f, is 1.04 mm/s.

Comparison of the simplified model prediction with experimental results:Click or select a topic.
Related Paper:"Determination of Spread Rate for Downward Flame Spread over Thick Fuels"